Homemade gnocchi

Taste of simplicity we are so used from the packs in the store. Quick to cook and always delicious. Take your lunches to the whole new level by cooking your own hommede gnocchi.
Preparazione 40 minuti
Portata Main Course
Cucina Italian
Porzioni 4 people


  • 1 kg red potatoes
  • semolina
  • 1 egg
  • 300 gr flour
  • salt


  • Place unpeeled potatoes in salted water and cook for about 40 minutes.
  • When the potatoes are cooked, sprinkle some flour on a baking board and mash the still-warm potatoes on it.
  • Add an egg with a pinch of salt
  • Knead it with your hands
  • Roll out a piece of dough 2 centimetres thick
  • Now cut the roll into small pieces.
  • Use a fork to make a ribbed shape
  •  Drop the gnocchi into the boiling water and when they float to the surface of the water, they are ready to be served.
Keyword gnocchi, healthy, italian, pasta, potatoes, quick

Try this simple and quick recipe. You love pasta and potatoes? There is no need to pick one. This is a great recipe with both ingredients. Healthy and easy. It is amazing what you can create at home. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

If you are searching for more Italian recipes on Sunday Cooking – please check out the Italian tab. Do share your feedback about our latest Italian recipe – Pasta with Mushrooms – SundayCooking. Remember – everyone has a right to eat and enjoy Italian homemade recipes! So, why not you?

Access other incredible gnocchi recipes from the greatest Italian chefs by visiting Gnocchi Recipes – Great Italian Chefs or How To Make Gnocchi – Great British Chefs. If you want something more exotic, you can always check My Signature Dish: Shane Osborn’s Gnocchi (michelin.com) from an author of one-MICHELIN-star restaurant in Hong Kong.

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