Date Night?

Dress to impress on your date night. Well, do you dare to cook to impress? Here are some tips for the perfect and exquisite dinner.

Primo. Pasta al Pesto. So simple to do, so delicious to impress your half with. If you search for an English-language recipe on the Internet, you will find onion as one of the ingredients. Beware, Italians get offended if you put onion in your Pasta al Pesto. Instead of going with recipes from international websites, we suggest visiting this small Italian website with translation into English Via Bacco. The pasta is easy and there is no need to make more shortcuts in preparation. It has an amazing aroma so it’s better to follow the real Italian recipe to get the right result. The authors of the website promote the idea of savouring and enjoying life, is it what we want?

Secondo. Pluma Joselito with Roast Tomato Pickle and Mozzarella and Tomato. You started with a meal that is so easy to cook but let’s raise the bar! A recipe by Massimiliano Alajmo, one of the most famous chefs in Italy, became the youngest chef in the world to receive three Michelin’s starts. Great cooking runs in his blood. Check the list of ingredients and steps in his website. You call this meal a challenge? I call it – winning your half’s tastes!

Dessert. Tiramisu. The most popular and certainly my favorite dessert in Italy, except for ice cream – gelato. In terms of ingredients, you will need to find fresh free-range eggs, ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, sugar, cocoa powder, and coffee. I suggest checking the recipe on Giallo Zafferano, a very popular website in Italy. A video with instructions from an Italian cook is translated into English. Italian and authentic recipe 🙂

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